Harley Loves Bella

The incredibly true adventures of two girls totally lost in love....wait...lost or found? Anyway, This is for my darling Bella - Happy Birthday Love!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

How we met....

It was an evening - a Wednesday night, in the summer of 2005, we met at Best Friends in Fort Worth. I was sitting and talking with someone I had just met, it was only my second time to be there and a mutual acquaintance introduced us. We were both single at the time, neither of us new it and we were both fairly new out of relationships. we didn't talk much that first night, but eventually after seeing each other out a few more times with friends and such, we became friends. In the meantime we both got in separate relationships. Mine was long distance, her's was here. Our friendships grew as time went on and we learned a lot from each other. I learned about scrap booking and standing up for myself. I also learned what real friendship was. One thing I'll always remember is seeing Bella smile for the first time. She has the amazing amber eyes, they are large and beautiful and glow - when she smiles she lights up the room and that little sparkle in her eyes melts you...I'm serious - It truly melts you - so I wouldn't wear anything plastic around her - cuz that would really suck - like if you melted - and the plastic melted too and got all stuck to you and stuff...yeah that would really suck..... Forgive me, I got off track there for a second. Anyway - I was saying she is amazing, and beautiful and wonderful and so very much more. I started this blog because it is her birthday month, this is my gift to her today. Bella - you wanted a blog, and now you got it - cuz what is it Harley always says......"What Baby wants...Baby gets!!" I love you Darling!


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